Friday, August 28, 2009


I would remened the Honda Accord. Because it ride nice. It doesn't take allot to fill the tank. Its a nice car brand new model. Has a GPS system work pretty good. Also has the Sirius radio system. Finally its a safe car.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I always thought astronomy looked cool. Also I like to look at the star and like to count them too. I like how the star can make picture. It would be something cool. Learning about all the different picture it can make. How it does that.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Five Minerals.

The five Minerals I use are Bauxite, Borax, Copper, Halite, and Silver.
Bauxite is use in aluminum foil which is used to cover food. And also use to cover the rack in the oven. Borax is used in soap I wash with everyday. Copper is used in penny and also in phone lines. Halite is used in salt and I use salt on my food.The last one is Silver which is in some of the jewelry I wear.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Best Day Ever.

The one map projection I like is the Robinson Projection because it show the whole world. Also it show distance, sizes, and shapes more accurately. It also has a clear lime of the Equator and Prime Meridian. It also more easier to read.